Friday, June 6, 2008

Quotes: Egoism, Egotism. Emotion.

The idea in bold-face print is a summary of the quote. The number after the topic is the page on which the quote was found.

Egoism, Egotism
Egoism 793 The inner "disease" fostered by concern for oneself. "Could I, for one instant, forget myself, the serpent might not abide within me; it is my diseased self-contemplation that has engendered and nourished him." Hawthorne: “Egotism; or, the Bosom-Serpent”

Egoism 794 Egotism steals the human heart. "A tremendous egotism…is as fearful a fiend as ever stole into the human heart." Hawthorne: “Egotism; or, the Bosom-Serpent”

Egotism 210 "The word 'I' is hateful; egoism is odious." Pascal. French. Dictionary of Foreign Terms

Egotism 405 Where I have found happiness, others will find it also; this assumption was questionable. "The urge within drove me on and on, and never would I stop; for I reasoned like this, that where I found happiness others must find it as well." Rölvaag, Giants in the Earth.

Emotion 185 One cannot witness unresisted grief without responding. "Elinor could no longer witness this torrent of unresisted grief in silence." Austen, Sense and Sensibility.

Emotions 38 Our emotions are most strongly moved by trivial things; in our greatest events, we remain calm. "In every one of us the deepest emotions are constantly caused by some absurdly trivial thing, or by nothing at all; conversely, the great things in our lives--the true occasions for wrath, anguish, rapture...very often leave us quite calm." Max Beerbohm. 1905. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Emotions 40 With emotions, the middle road is best. " ...we ought not to hope too securely, we ought not to fear with too much dejection." Sam. Johnson. 1750-2. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Emotions 144 Pride and hatred invigorate; love and humility enfeeble. "Pride and hatred invigorate the soul; and love and humility enfeeble it." Hume. 1739. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Emotions 302 She experienced a range of emotions. "Fanny’s reaction to Henry Crawford’s courting her, after he has told her of her brother’s promotion through his efforts: She was feeling, thinking, trembling, about everything; --agitated, happy, miserable, infinitely obliged, absolutely angry." Austen, Mansfield Park.

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