Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Quotes: Bore. Bowling. Bravery. British.

The bold-face print is an interpretation of the quote that follows.

Bore 208 "The secret of being a bore is to tell everything." Voltaire. 1738. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Bore 34 “ 'Bore' defined: A person who talks when you wish him to listen." Ambrose Bierce. Portable Curmudgeon.

Bore 34 "He is not only dull himself, he is the cause of dullness in others." Samuel Johnson. Portable Curmudgeon.

Bore 34 "We often forgive those who bore us, but we cannot forgive those whom we bore." La Rochefoucauld. Portable Curmudgeon.

Bore 34 A bore monopolizes a conversation. "A bore is a fellow talking who can change the subject back to his topic of conversation faster than you can change it back to yours." Laurence J. Peter. Portable Curmudgeon.

Boredom 71 "Somebody’s boring me…I think it’s me." Dylan Thomas. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Boredom 333 "The effect of boredom on a large scale in history is underestimated." W. R. Inge. 1948. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Bowling 777 "Bowling, to me, it’s like lifting weights." DeLillo, Underworld.

Bravery 178 "Fire tests gold, misery tests brave men." Seneca. Latin. Dictionary of Foreign Terms

British 245 Two things about England that I don't like: coal and Englishmen. "Heine: I might settle in England...if it were not that I should find there two things, coal-smoke and Englishmen; I cannot abide either." Matthew Arnold, “Heine and the Philistines.” 1863. Gross, ed. Essays.

British family 267 A matriarchy. "Mrs. Ferrars’s response to Edward’s marrying Lucy: His own two thousand pounds she protested should be his all; she would never see him again; and so far would she be from affording him the smallest assistance, that if he were to enter into any profession with a view of better support, she would do all in her power to prevent his advancing in it…Marianne, in an ecstasy of indignation, clapped her hands together, and cried, “Gracious God! Can this be possible?” [that Edward’s mother could treat him so, to which her brother responds]: 'Well may you wonder, Marianne…at the obstinacy which could resist such arguments as these.' " Austen, Sense and Sensibility.

British family 269 The ultimate insult. "Can anything be more galling to the spirit of a man…than to see his younger brother in possession of an estate which might have been his own?" Austen, Sense and Sensibility.

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