Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Quotes: January

The idea in bold-face print is a summary of the quote. The number after the topic is the page on which the quote was found.

January 4 "January can be cold, raw, bitter, icy, edged with a wind that chills the marrow and congeals the blood. Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 4 "January is winter, its very essence." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 4 "[January] Sunset…long light glows on the crusted meadow." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 5 "Mid-evening and the moonlight casts ink-black shadows on the snow." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 5 "…a cold, bitter, ice-edged January night that engraves itself on the senses." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 5 "The depth of winter is upon us…." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 5 "[January]. …the sun seemingly as reluctant as the rest of us to get up." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 6 " …until the killer-wind has died we live beleaguered." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 7 "The whine of snow underfoot on a brittle-cold day…." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 7 "The really shivery whine of snow is seldom heard anymore…at its best under the runners of a sleigh on a winter night." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 7 "…the voice of ice…cold thunder…." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 8 "…on a frigid night with a late moon and glittering stars…." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 9 "…winter’s moon is queen of the sky…banishes all but the brightest stars…." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 9 "The January moon…is a distinct and icy moon that glitters the hills and glints the frozen valleys." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year.

January 10 "…green [of pines and hemlocks] that now becomes the symbol of life, in this winter world." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 14 [January]. "Long nights of cold and brittle starlight." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 25 "January’s full moon marks a time of bitter temperature and biting wind." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 25 "…when the [January] moon rides full, the cold deepens." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 25 "[January’s] is probably the coldest moon of the whole year." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 27 "The January wind has a hundred voices." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 27 "In the cold of a lonely [January] night, it [the wind] can rattle the sash and stay there muttering of ice and snow banks and deep-frozen ponds." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 27 "Sometimes the January wind seems to come from the farthest star in the outer darkness, so remote and so impersonal is its voice." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 28 January. "There is a simplicity about the resting world of winter…." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 30 January. "The woodshed door creaks on its chilled hinges." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

January 30 January. "Sounds echo in the cold, heavy [night] air, a barking dog, a slamming door, a barred owl calling from the dark grove of hemlocks on the far hillside." Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

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