Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quotes: Myths (6)

Myth, monster 1336 "Nevertheless, straddling from headland to headland, as his custom was, Talus attempted to strike a blow at the vessel, and, overreaching himself, tumbled at full length into the sea, which splashed high over his gigantic shape…there he lies yet." “The Minotaur” Hawthorne, Tanglewood Tales.

Myth, monster 1375 "…until his mouth looked like a great red cavern, at the farther end of which were seen the legs of his last victim, whom he had hardly had time to swallow." “The Dragon’s Teeth” Hawthorne, Tanglewood Tales.

Myth, Oracle at Delphi 1370 "This cavity [the cave of the oracle at Delphi], you must know, was looked upon as a sort of fountain of truth, which sometimes gushed out in audible words, although, for the most part, these words were such a riddle that they might just as well have stayed at the bottom of the hole." “The Dragon’s Teeth” Hawthorne, Tanglewood Tales.

Myth, satyrs 1421 "…rude gang of satyrs, who had faces like monkeys, and horses’ tails behind them and who were generally dancing in a very boisterous manner…." “The Pomegranate-Seeds” Hawthorne, Tanglewood Tales

Myth, scene 1468 "Upon my word, as the head [of the dragon] came waving and undulating through the air, and reaching almost within arm’s length of Prince Jason, it was a very hideous and uncomfortable sight." “The Golden Fleece” Hawthorne, Tanglewood Tales.

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