Thursday, May 7, 2009

Quotes: Nature (1)

Nature 902 "The wood-paths shall be the aisles of our cathedral—the firmament itself shall be its ceiling!" Hawthorne: "Earth's Holocaust." The cathedral of Nature.

Nature 9 "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed." Francis Bacon. 1620. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms. Nature does not give up her secrets easily.

Nature 9 "Nature is the art of God." Sir Thomas Browne, 1642. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Nature 123 "Nature, in her indifference, makes no distinction between good and evil." Anatole France. Portable Curmudgeon.

Nature 259 "Nature creates nothing in vain." Aristotle. Greek. Dictionary of Foreign Terms. That's something to think about.

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