Relationship 264 "He [Edmund] was gone as he spoke; and Fanny remained to tranquilize herself as she could." Austen,
Relationship 464 "She [Maria] had hoped to marry him [Crawford], and they continued together till she was obliged to be convinced that such hope was vain, and till the disappointment and wretchedness arising from the conviction, rendered her temper so bad, and her feelings for him so like hatred, as to make them for a while each other’s punishment, and then induce a voluntary separation." Austen,
Relationship 464 She [Maria] had lived with him to be reproached as the ruin of all his happiness in Fanny, and carried away no better consolation in leaving him, than that she had divided them; what can exceed the misery of such a mind in such a situation? Austen,
Relationship 465 "…it may be reasonably supposed that their tempers became their mutual punishment." Austen,
Relationship 468 " He [Crawford] was entangled [with Maria] by his own vanity." Austen,
Relationship 97 " …we form limited involvement relationships with most of the people around us…rather than entangling ourselves with the whole man, we plug into a module of his personality." Toffler, Future Shock. This one really set me thinking.
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