Friday, March 26, 2010

Quotes: Science (5)

 Science            119         " two men will ever draw the same picture of a germ--so there’ll always be wrangling and confusion...but...photographs can’t lie--and ten men can study them and come to an agreement on them." DeKruif, Microbe Hunters.

Science            142          "Nothing is truer than that there is no one orthodox way of hunting microbes..." DeKruif, Microbe Hunters.

Science            143          "Pasteur...was a passionate groper whose head was incessantly inventing right theories and wrong guesses...." DeKruif, Microbe Hunters.

Science            143          "Pasteur was  a strange genius who seemed to need...doing a dozen things at the same order to discover that grain of truth which lies at the bottom of most of his work." DeKruif, Microbe Hunters.

Science            143          Pasteur: "Koch has shown with beautiful clearness that germs cause disease...but this isn’t the most important thing to do...this is nothing...the thing to do is to find a way to prevent the germs from killing people, to protect mankind from death." DeKruif, Microbe Hunters.

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