Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quotes: Smoking.

 Smoking            1057       "…puffing what seemed to be the same cigar that he had lighted twenty years before." Hawthorne: “Ethan Brand: A Chapter from an Abortive Romance”

Smoking            331         "The believing we do something when we do nothing is the first illusion of tobacco." Emerson. 1859. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Smoking            35          "He [Babbitt] stopped smoking at least once a month…went through with it like the solid citizen he was: admitted the evils of tobacco, courageously made resolves; laid out plans to check the vice, tapered off his allowance of cigars, and expounded the pleasures of virtuousness to every one he met…did everything, in fact, except stop smoking; two months before, by [making] out a schedule, noting down the hour and minute of each smoke, and ecstatically increasing the intervals between smokes, he had brought himself down to three cigars a day; then he had lost the schedule." Lewis, Babbitt.

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