Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Quotes: Creativity. Crime. Critic.

The idea in the bold-face print is a summary of the quote. The number is the page on which the quote was found.

Creativity 13 "But creators must have audiences." DeKruif, Microbe Hunters.

Creativity 54 The creative artist broods about experiences. "It is true that he [Pasteur] was more scared by it [searing of a wound in a farmer’s flesh made by a mad wolf], haunted by it for a longer time, brooded over it more, that he smelled the burned flesh and heard the screams a hundred times more vividly than an ordinary boy would—in short, he was the stuff of which artists are made." DeKruif, Microbe Hunters.

Creativity 28 New products breed new ideas. "For new machines or techniques are not merely a product, but a source of fresh creative ideas." Toffler, Future Shock.

Crime 857 He brooded about whether he had intended to commit murder or not. "There was a man of nice conscience, who bore a blood-stain in his heart—the death of a fellow creature—which, for his more exquisite torture, had chanced with such peculiarity of circumstances, that he could not absolutely determine whether his will had entered into the deed or not…his whole life was spent in the agony of an inward trial for murder…until his mind had no longer any thought nor his soul any emotion, disconnected with it." Hawthorne: “The Christmas Banquet”

Crime 215 Having killed his wife, he was now the subject of public curiosity. Paul Riesling, after shooting his wife, now in jail, to Babbitt: “I’m glad you came; but I thought maybe you’d lecture me, and when you’ve committed a murder, and been brought here and everything—there was a big crowd outside the apartment house, all staring, and the cops took me through it…." Lewis, Babbitt.

Crime 17 They have been brought up to commit crimes all their lives and now you punish them. "When you allow people to be brought up in the worst possible way and their characters to be gradually corrupted from a tender age, and then punish them when they commit these crimes as men which they showed all signs of doing from their childhood on—I ask you, what else are you doing than making men thieves and then punishing them?" Sir Thomas More, Utopia.

Crime 92 Use punishment to deter crime. Use rewards to incite people to "commit" virtue. "They [the Utopians] do not merely deter people from crimes by punishment; they also set up rewards to incite them to virtue." Sir Thomas More, Utopia.

5. Crime and justice 92 A clear desire to commit a crime is the same as having committed it. "Utopia. To have tried to commit adultery is no less dangerous than to have succeeded…in the case of every crime, they [the Utopians] judge a fixed and clearly aimed attempt to be the equivalent of the deed itself." Sir Thomas More, Utopia.

Critic 270 What is the artist's peculiar quality that will not be found elsewhere? "What is the peculiar sensation, what is the peculiar quality of pleasure, which his work has the property of exciting in us, and which we cannot get elsewhere?...always the chief question which a critic has to answer." Walter Pater. “Sandro Boticelli.” 1870. Gross, ed. Essays.

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