Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quotes: Greatness.

The idea in bold-face print is a summary of the quote. The number after the topic is the page on which the quote was found.

Greatness 312 Who knows whether the best of men were unknown, hidden from us for various reasons? "Who knows whether the best of men be known? Or whether there be not more remarkable persons forgot, than any that stand remembered in the known account of time?" Sir Thomas Browne. 1658. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Greatness 312 "To achieve great things we must live as though we were never going to die." Vauvenargues. 1746. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Greatness 312 Greatness involves the existence of opposite qualities. "Greatness is usually the result of a natural equilibrium among opposite qualities." Diderot. 1761. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Greatness 312 Greatness involves the simultaneous existence of incompatible qualities. "The best people usually owe their excellence to a combination of qualities which might have been supposed incompatible." Bertrand Russell. 1928. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Greatness 312 Great minds are androgynous, both feminine and masculine. "The truth is, a great mind must be androgynous." Coleridge. 1832. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Greatness 313 Men show themselves as they wish to be seen in great affairs, but in small affairs, they show themselves as they really are. "In great affairs men show themselves as they wish to be seen, in small things they show themselves as they are." Chamfort. 1805. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Greatness 315 Necessity elevates man to greatness. "Great necessity elevates man…." Goethe. 1803. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Greatness 317 The great man has the heart of a child. "The great man is he who has not lost the heart of a child." Mencius. 4th century BC. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Greatness 318 "…Every Goliath has his David and so on ad infinitum." Don Marquis. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Greatness 180 Great men have great defects. "Only great men have great defects." La Rochefoucauld. French. Dictionary of Foreign Terms

Greatness 243 "Nothing is great unless good." Latin. Dictionary of Foreign Terms

Greatness 5 Great boldness produces some absurdity. "...great boldness is seldom without some absurdity." F. Bacon, “Of Boldness.” 1625. Gross, ed. Essays.

Greatness 5 Boldness is blind to danger and inconvenience. "...boldness is ever blind; for it seeith not dangers and inconveniences." F. Bacon, “Of Boldness.” 1625. Gross, ed. Essays.

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