Monday, October 6, 2008

Quotes: Leadership (03)

The idea in bold-face print is a summary of the quote. The number after the topic is the page on which the quote was found.

Leadership 127 Being a manager or coach calls for different talents than a player. "Being a general calls for different talents from being a soldier." Livy. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Leadership 127 "Those who insist on the dignity of their office, show they have not deserved it." Gracián. 1647. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Leadership 129 "It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends and neighbors should be true to the public." Bishop Berkeley. 1750. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Leadership 131 People in high places, being self-centered, have little interest in others and as their status increases, they become more and more indifferent to other people. "Men in high places, from having less personal interest in the characters of others—being safe from them—are commonly less acute observers, and with their progressive elevation in life become, as more and more indifferent to what other men are, so more and more ignorant of them." Sir Henry Taylor. 1836. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Leadership 131 Princes need to be careful of what they say in unofficial remarks because those remarks appear to others to be what they really mean. "Princes had need, in tender matters and ticklish times, to beware what they say: especially in these short speeches, which fly abroad like darts, and are thought to be shot out of their secret intentions." Francis bacon. 1597-1625. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Leadership 314 Leaders who are sensitive to those around them might not be sensitive to the nation as a whole. "It sometimes happens that he who would not hurt a fly will hurt a nation." Sir Henry Taylor. 1836. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

Leadership 117 There cannot be two leaders; one person must be at the helm. "Two captains send the ship to the bottom." Italian. Dictionary of Foreign Terms

Leadership 154 "He labors in vain who tries to please everybody." Latin. Dictionary of Foreign Terms

Leadership 225 "Happy are they who have kept a middle course." Latin. Dictionary of Foreign Terms32.

Leadership "The middle course gets squashed by the extremes." RayS.

Leadership 242 When your boss is replaced, look out! A new boss will make significant changes. "New brooms sweep clean." German. Dictionary of Foreign Terms

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