Thursday, December 4, 2008

Quotes: Love (1)

Love 921 Love is an illusion. "Of course he had deceived himself; there were no such attributes in Annie Hovenden as his imagination had endowed her with…had he become convinced of his mistake through the medium of successful love; had he won Annie to his bosom, and there beheld her fade from angel into ordinary woman, the disappointment might have driven him back, with concentrated energy, upon his sole remaining object." Hawthorne: “The Artist of the Beautiful”

Love 989 Love is a maelstrom. "It mattered not whether she were angel or demon; he was irrevocably within her sphere, and must obey the law that whirled him onward, in ever lessening circles, towards a result which he did not attempt to foreshadow." Hawthorne: “Rappaccini’s Daughter”

Love 995 Love is in the eyes. "By all appreciable signs, they loved; they had looked love, with eyes that conveyed the holy secret from the depths of one soul into the depths of the other…." Hawthorne: “Rappaccini’s Daughter”

Love 1005 "I would fain have been loved, not feared, murmured Beatrice." Hawthorne: “Rappaccini’s Daughter”

Love 153 Love is an idle mind's occupation. "Love is the affection of a mind that has nothing better to engage it." Theophrastus. 3rd century. Gross, ed. Oxford Book of Aphorisms.

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