Monday, April 28, 2008

Quotes: Churchill. Citizenship. City.

The idea in bold-face print is a summary of the quote. The number is the page on which the quote was found.

Churchill 19 "Mr. Attlee is a very modest man; but then he has much to be modest about." Winston Churchill. Portable Curmudgeon.

Churchill 142 "Lady Astor: If you were my husband, Winston, I’d put poison in your tea. Winston Churchill: If I were your husband, Nancy, I’d drink it." Portable Curmudgeon.

Churchill 559 Churchill' nature could sense tragic possibilities while Roosevelt's nature was light-hearted. "[Churchill’s] nature possessed a dimension of depth—and a corresponding sense of tragic possibilities—which Roosevelt’s light-hearted genius instinctively passed by." Sir Isaiah Berlin. “Churchill and Roosevelt.” 1949. Gross, ed. Essays.

Citizenship 418 Stability and freedom are guaranteed by conformity. "Walter Bagehot: ...the surest guarantee of stability and freedom in a state is ‘stupidity,’ or the general habit of identical response." G.M. Young. “The Greatest Victorians.” 1928.

City 411 The people of Washington talked incessantly and excitedly. " …but chiefly Washington was associated with people, scores of them, sitting about the flat, talking, talking, talking, not always wisely but always excitedly." Sinclair Lewis, Main Street.

City 218 "A great city is a great solitude." Latin. Dictionary of Foreign Terms

City 379 The great crowds in the city generate energy. "…the energy that hurrying people make, lunch crowds and buses and bike messengers, all that consciousness powering down the flumes [narrow gorge] of Manhattan…." DeLillo, Underworld.

City 394 Words don't carry in the subway. "In the subway, words have a charged quality they don’t carry elsewhere." DeLillo, Underworld.

City 398 Looking into apartments from the elevated train's windows. "They rode home on the Third Avenue El, rattlebanging up Manhattan and through the Bronx, looking out the train windows into tenement apartments on both sides, hundreds of film-flicking lives shooting past their eyes forty feet above the street…." DeLillo, Underworld.

City 578 Trash wind-skidding in the city streets. " …went down to the Cadillac as the spent trash of a day and a night in a great coastal city went wind-skidding through the streets." DeLillo, Underworld.

City 654 Cars and drivers like insects throughout the night. "…cars with mystery drivers coming out of the gloom, alive like insects all hours of the night." DeLillo, Underworld.

City 56 The repeated essences of the city: evacuations, demolitions, removals, vacant lots, new installations. "Buckminster Fuller, the designer-philosopher, once described New York as a 'continual…process of evacuations, demolitions, removals, temporarily vacant lots, new installations and repeat.' ” Toffler, Future Shock.

City and Country x A countryside exists outside the New York City streets. "I suppose the essays served in the Times as reminders that there is a countryside beyond the city streets." Introduction. Borland, Twelve Moons of the Year

City and country 439 "…for sunshine appeared to be a totally different thing in a town and in the country… [in Portsmouth] its power was only a glare, a stifling, sickly glare, serving but to bring forward stains and dirt that might otherwise have slept…was neither health nor gaiety in sunshine in a town…sat in a blaze of oppressive heat, in a cloud of moving dust…." Austen, Mansfield Park.

City and country 93 America on the move in the cities vs. the settled residences in rural villages. "In seventy major United States cities, for example, including New York, average residence in one place is less than four years; contrast this with the lifelong residence in one place characteristic of the rural villager." Toffler, Future Shock.

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