Friday, November 7, 2008

Quotes: Life (11)

Life 69 Life's common experiences. "We are all prompted by the same motives, all deceived by the same fallacies, all animated by hope, obstructed by danger, entangled by desire, and seduced by pleasure." Samuel Johnson. “Dignity and Uses of Biography.” 1750. Gross, ed. Essays.

Life 311 Life is short. "We live the time that a match flickers...." Robert Louis Stevenson, “Aes Triplex.” 1878. Gross, ed. Essays.

Life 315 If you are about to die, keep living and accomplishing. "By all means, begin your folio; even if the doctor does not give you a year, even if he hesitates about a month, make one brave push and see what can be accomplished in a week." Robert Louis Stevenson, “Aes Triplex.” 1878. Gross, ed. Essays.

Life 319 Most events of contemporary life are of little importance. "By carefully chronicling the current events of contemporary life, it shows us of what very little importance such events really are." Oscar Wilde, “ ‘The True Critic’.” 1891. Gross, ed. Essays.

Life 380 You will achieve health, strength, grace and beauty if you don't think about them. "The one supreme way of making all those processes go right, the process of health, and strength, and grace, and to think about something else." G. K. Chesterton, “On Sandals and Simplicity.” 1905. Gross, ed. Essays.

Life 446 "We find it difficult to conceive a world except in terms of purpose, will, or of intention." Joseph Wood Krutch. “The Colloid and the Crystal.” 1950. Gross, ed. Essays.

Life 448 The story of life is inevitable change. "The story of every living thing is still in the telling…may hope and it may try…though it may succeed or fail, it will certainly change." Joseph Wood Krutch. “The Colloid and the Crystal.” 1950. Gross, ed. Essays.

Life 514 The epitome of life. "By following these simple instructions and studying the methods of those who have already made good in the job, you can assure yourself a glamorous youth, prosperous middle age, the title of Grand Old Man, and finally some laudatory obituaries." Evelyn Waugh. “Well-Informed Circles…And How to Move In them.” 1939. Gross, ed. Essays.

Life 543 Life has multiple images. "We are one of many appearances of the thing called Life; we are not its perfect image, for it has no image except Life, and life is multitudinous and emergent in the stream of time." Loren Eiseley. ‘The Snout.” 1957. Gross, ed. Essays.

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