Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Quotes: Mood (8)

Mood 384 "But she knew that she still had no plan in life, save always to go along the same streets, past the same people, to the same shops." Sinclair Lewis, Main Street. Boring routine.

Mood 393 "She felt oozing through the walls the spirit of small houses and righteous people." Sinclair Lewis, Main Street. Small town. Small thinking.

Mood 393 "There they were, the furnace sounds, unalterable, eternal: removing ashes, shoveling coal." Sinclair Lewis, Main Street. "Furnace sounds."

Mood 418 "She felt that she was no longer analyzing and controlling forces, but swept on by them." Sinclair Lewis, Main Street. Not in control.

Mood 424 "I can laugh now and be serene…." Sinclair Lewis, Main Street. Serenity.

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