Thursday, April 9, 2009

Quotes: Mood (10)

Mood 27 "…his mind empty, waiting for what events would bring." Mailer, The Naked and the Dead.

Mood 80 "He had the kind of merriment a man sometimes knows when events have ended in utter disaster." Mailer, The Naked and the Dead.

Mood 158 "The awareness and excitement he [Croft] had felt after he killed the prisoner had faded on the march to an empty sullen indifference to everything about him." Mailer, The Naked and the Dead.

Mood 160 "He [Red] felt a savage irritation at a combination of things too numerous and subtle for him to determine." Mailer, The Naked and the Dead.

Mood 389 Red: "Listen boy, forget about it, you ain’t gonna get out of the Army, ain’t any of us gonna get out." Mailer, The Naked and the Dead.

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