Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quotes: Marriage (11)

RayS: More scenes from a marriage.

Marriage 282 "At first he had amorously deceived himself into liking her experiments with food—the one medium in which she could express imagination—but now he wanted his round of favorite dishes: steak, roast beef, boiled pig’s feet, oatmeal, baked apples." Sinclair Lewis, Main Street.

Marriage 284 "For the first time they had failed to make peace." Sinclair Lewis, Main Street.

Marriage 285 “While it’s so hot, I think I’ll sleep in the spare room.” Sinclair Lewis, Main Street.

Marriage 297 "I guess I can weather it, same as I did earning my way through school and getting started in practice…wonder how long I can stand being an outsider in my own home?" Sinclair Lewis, Main Street.

Marriage 302 "The way to handle wives, like the fellow says, is to catch ‘em early, treat’ em rough, and tell ‘em nothing." Sinclair Lewis, Main Street. [And ignore that she is a human being. RayS.]

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